Carnival of CarDboardia

in the city it is:


A bright and large-scale interactive event is being organized as part of your city celebration/festival.


Citizens unite through creative self-expression.


The event that has been created can become a part of the urban culture and it is essential that the residents themselves take part in it.


A local creative community will emerge in the city, supported by experienced mentors/curators from Cardboardia, capable of producing impressive artworks, performances, and events.


This is a ready-made idea for celebrating the City festival or any large-scale event.
The main goal of the city event organizers is to engage local community in the process and celebration. They want the event to be truly enjoyable, significant, and memorable, rather than just another performance by invited artists.

An events becomes more meaningful when everyone contributes to organize it and take a part like truly hosts...

Cardboardia can do it!

Any urban event (city day, festival, or memorable date) is perceived differently when you are not just an observer or spectator. In this case, you "appropriate" the event, feeling that it concerns you directly, that it is important and significant. You immerse yourself in the essence of the event.
No wonder all the traditions of celebrating significant events involve bringing people together. The New Year is celebrated with dances around a Christmas tree, the harvest festival is marked with fairs. Many festivities at the crossroads of the seasons, are about reaping the old and the bad and welcoming the new and the good! These are traditional ways of engaging the audience in the celebrations. We love and honor traditions that are clear to us. The role of the organizer is to either create new traditions or adapt existing ones to meet the needs of modern society.
The Carnival of Cardboardia is a tool for helping organizers solve their super-tasks. Its format aims to involve and unite citizens in a relaxed atmosphere, as the Carnival of Cardboardia focuses on creative self-expression, something that is often lacking in people's everyday lives. This task-specific approach allows the Carnival of Cardboardia to evolve into a traditional event.
The result of the lab and workshop of Cardboardia could be featuring large-scale cardboard artworks made by local creative community with cardboardia curators and masks and costumes made by participants of the families workshops.
The Three components of a successful Cardboardia Carnival:
Forming a team of an artists and organizers from local creative community
To build up the main core of the event, Cardboardia forms a creative team of local community members — artists, actors, performers, directors, students and volunteers. Experienced curators organize a series of workshops for them within the framework of the Cardboardia Lab, aimed at learning the peculiarities of working with cardboard and developing communication skills. Conditions are created for sharing experience and creating a common cardboard art objects and performances.
Family creative workshop for the citizens
The creative team of Cardboardia organizes a workshop for everyone to create art objects, costumes, props for a procession or performance out of cardboard. These can be any objects corresponding to the theme of the holiday (for example, symbols of the city).
Carnival Procession or performance
The result of the Cardboardia laboratory and workshops can be a large-scale Carnival Procession with the participation of the entire creative team and all participants of the family workshop with art objects created from cardboard. At the same time, any procession can be transformed into a full-fledged performance or even a street performance, depending on the tasks.
Stages of organization
Stage 1
preferably 4−6 months before the implementation of the event, but express preparation is also possible

We develop ideas and content for the Cardboardia Carnival based on the goals, objectives and meaningfulness of the event in which it will be held. We draw up a budget and a rider.
Stage 2
no later than 1−2 months before the implementation of the measure

Form a creative team of organizers. We hold a meeting of the local creative initiative group with the curators of Cardboardia. We hold online workshops. Cardboardia introduces each participant to the objectives of the project. We are looking for volunteers, interns. Attract the attention of local businesses and the public to the event.
Stage 3
3-5 days before the event

We conduct offline trainings within the framework of the Lab for the creative team. We prepare workshops, create key art objects.
Stage 4
1-3 days before the event

We hold family workshops. Create cardboard attributes for the upcoming event. Conduct games using cardboard props. Prepare a performance or parade.
Stage 5
realization of the final procession or performance

The main event summarizing the work of the workshops can be presented as a Carnival Procession of Cardboardia, or it can be transformed into a thematic performance or a full-fledged street performance, depending on the initial task.
Stage 6
it's just beginning - The Cardboardia Embassy

A solid idea should have a continuation. At your choice and according to your objectives, Cardboardia can offer a series of local workshops organized by an established creative team throughout the year or turn the event into an annual traditional celebration.
Furthermore, we can continue to work with the local creative team by setting up a Cardboardia Embassy in your area, which will allow you to have a working creative team in the region to realize any creative projects and scale those started while maintaining the available budget.
Participants in the Cardboardia Carnival

Citizens, both adults and children

The event is organized for them. They become active participants in workshops, parades and games.

Creative community of the city (artists, decorators, actors, directors, performers)

Becomes a direct organizer of the event, gaining work experience, and perceives itself as a sought-after and important part of the city. Having formed such a team for the tasks of Cardboardia Carnival, in the future you can develop it to the Embassy of Cardboardia and remotely organize local events for your tasks.

Local businesses, both large and small

The event is organized for them. They become active participants in workshops, parades and games.

Local government decision makers

They have the opportunity to organize not just a city holiday, but a traditional event, after which the citizens will say: «How cool WE did it!» Moreover, the formed creative team of organizers can be safely involved in the implementation of other projects of the city and be sure of the result and support of Cardboardia.

What does it take to organize a Cardboardia Carnival?

  • Fee and budget to provide: a technical rider, instruments and materials and the travel rider for the Cardboardia team (usually 8 to 14 people).
  • A venues for creative team meetings and labs (hall, office, tent, etc.).
  • Locations for family workshops. Places with good foot traffic such as parks, squares or shopping centers are ideal.
  • If the site is open, a marquee for family workshops will be needed (minimum 100 m2 for a capacity of 100 people in 2 hours).
  • Tables to organize the workspace (minimum 8-10 pieces to organize a capacity of 100 people in 2 hours) and a place to store materials.
  • The route for the procession or performance. It should be a central square or street without vehicular traffic, or with the possibility of blocking it.
  • Comprehensive information support for the event and the help of the volunteer movement to inform the citizens.


  • Maria Korneevets
    creative team member
    I believe that the Universe sent me Cardboardia as an answer to my inquiry about:
    - 1. why I intuitively collect cardboard for my workshop,
    - 2. how do I teach people who come to me for art therapy and to learn to paint - to think creatively and not in a formulaic way....
  • Ekaterina Zolotuhina
    creative team member
    Cardboardia - my love since August 2019! ❤
    The project happened in Yekaterinburg.
    I got to it thanks to my active, inquisitive friends and my easy-going nature:)))
    I was delighted with the level of organization and of course the curators!
    Expansion of horizons!!!
  • Natalia Burleva
    creative team member
    This was my first experience of participating in Cardboardia's projects, before that I had only watched them on social networks. Going into the project, I didn't really understand where exactly I could apply myself, but I was very interested in the process as a whole. As a result, I really enjoyed working with cardboard and would like to continue doing so.

A new community local tradicion!
The Carnival of Cardboardia!

Carnivals of Cardboardia. Favorites

The project began in 2019 with a family workshop and a large-scale Cardboardia Procession with the participation of several thousand people in the streets of the city with the involvement of local artists.
In 2020, a series of workshops were held within the framework of the «III All-Russian Laboratory of Cultural Projects Culturalica» and a great number of partners were found.
In 2023, the Cardboardia Procession was transformed for the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the City Day, and thanks to the team formed earlier and partners, it was possible to hold family workshops with a total number of participants exceeding 4000 people in 8 points of the city, to create a huge number of symbols of the city and to decorate the procession on the occasion of the City Day with them.
Series of events in Yekaterinburg
from 2019 to 2023
Cardboardia Lab, large-scale parades and creative workshops for City Day.
For two years, the Cardboardia team worked in small towns across the country, creating activities, events and performances. With each new city the Cardboardia team grew and was enriched with members of the creative community. As a result of this project, a large and cohesive team was formed, which, with Cardboardia’s support, is still working closely in the country and creating various events independently.
Cardboardia Personages tours in the UK from 2017 to 2019
Hebden Bridge, Ramsgate, Redcar, Coventry, Barking (London), Birmingham, Slough, Feanedock (the National Forest, Leicestershire).
In 2023, a project commissioned by the Buenos Aires Ministry of Culture and supported by the Buenos Aires Ministry of Education was realized to promote international cooperation between cultures. Three weeks of work resulted in the creation of a space filled with a large number of large-scale cardboard art objects that tell the story of Manuelita the tortoise, the hero of author Maria Elena Walsh. Cardboardia formed a local creative team of 30 people, including local artists, architects, tattoo artists, performers/artists, producers, musicians, and anyone interested in art in public spaces. During the festival they organized many different events, performances and master classes. It is noteworthy that after the project, the team continues to develop and work on other initiatives, such as the «Trash» project and others.
2023 Buenos Aires
Cardboardia Lab to create interactive exhibit, performances and workshops for family audiences.
In  2019, the Patefonka creative cluster was created on the territory of the Textilmash plant on a private initiative. Cardboardia was given the opportunity to temporarily turn one of the workshops into a workshop for 2 weeks to prepare for the parade and festival on Kolomna City Day.
Cardboardia tried to involve local businesses in the process of creating the parade, as Kolomna is a very active city with a long and modern history of creative economic development. As a result, more than 10 local organizations joined the festival and the parade.
Also in the park a large-scale workshop was held to create costumes for the procession, several platforms with games and street performances were organized, where all spectators could take an active part.
And as a result of two weeks of work a big parade of manufactures was held on the occasion of the Day of Kolomna.
The result of Cardboardia’s work was a bright city-wide event and a team formed to implement further initiatives.
2019 Kolomna
Cardboardia's laboratory for the preparation and execution of the festival and the city day procession.
In 2012-2013, the project «Karton-Kamsk» was realized within the framework of the festival «White Nights», as a result of which two cardboard cities were built on different sites in Perm and attracted great attention of the creative community. As a result, Cardboardia’s initiatives were manifested for several more years in various city events and were realized by the creative team formed at the festival.
2012-2013 Perm
Materialization of the cities of Cardboardia.
As part of the Light Wings Festival, Cardboardia organized a Lab for local creators, artists and actors. On the day of the festival, a group of artists organized a family workshop on making props for the performance for all residents of the city, who together with Cardboardia’s actors and participants of the Lab were able to become full-fledged artists of the performance «In Search of Creative Energy». The participants of the family workshop left enthusiastic feedback on the process of creating cardboard products, while the participants of the laboratory continue their creative development and aim to open their own street theater.
2023 Almetyevsk
Street Performance Lab.
In 2016, Cardboardia implemented a project in the Tula region to mark the opening of the Bolotov Dacha recreation center. The aim of the project was not only to attract clients, but also to attract investments. In an empty field, Cardboardia organized a workshop to create models of potential houses and infrastructure in the area. Various activities were also organized in the nearby villages to attract local personalities and businesses. Finally, a large festival was organized where local craftsmen and artisans presented their creativity. As a result of almost half a year of cooperation and a series of successive events, the area became recognizable and sought-after.
2016 Tula
Opening a permanent family workshop for 4 months «Toy Cardboard City», organizing a series of festivals and events.
In 2021, the Personages of Cardboardia organized a two-week laboratory on preparation of the carnival procession at the VolgaFest festival. We lived in a tent on the bank of the river and created and presented performances, held creative workshops, and planned the parade. Several dozens of artists took part in the project, and several thousand residents and guests of Samara joined the procession. As a result of the Lab, we created the performance «In Search of Creative Energy», which is still in existence today.
2021 Samara
Laboratory for preparing a carnival procession at VolgaFest.
  • A series of events in Yekaterinburg from 2019 to 2023
    Cardboardia Lab, large-scale parades and creative workshops for City Day.

  • Cardboardia Personages tours in the UK from 2017 to 2019
    Hebden Bridge, Ramsgate, Redcar, Coventry, Barking (London), Birmingham, Slough, Feanedock (the National Forest, Leicestershire).


  • 2023 Buenos Aires
    Cardboardia Lab to create interactive exhibit, performances and workshops for family audiences.


  • 2019 Kolomna
    Cardboardia's laboratory for the preparation and execution of the festival and the city day procession.


  • 2012-2013 Perm
    Materialization of the cities of Cardboardia.


  • 2023 Almetyevsk
    Street Performance Lab.


  • 2016 Tula
    Opening a permanent family workshop for 4 months «Toy Cardboard City», organizing a series of festivals and events.


  • 2021 Samara
    Laboratory for preparing a carnival procession at VolgaFest.
